Being able to identify the location of a Product is achieved by setting up Bin Locations.
It is recommended that a plan is drawn up and all areas where stock is stored is labeled. Depending on the size of the shelves, label shelves individually.
Adding Bin Locations
On the Product Details screen, under Locations is an area for Bin Location. There is a space for a bin location for each physical location.
This screen can be used to add in the Bin Locations.
They can also be entered by using the Auto Order by Sales Purchase Order feature.
Viewing Bin Locations
To see the Bin Location on the Manage Products screen, turn on the Details Pane by selecting the blue grid in the top right of the screen.
This will open a panel on the right of the Products Screen and include the Bin Location.
On an Invoices, Quote, Job or Purchase Order the Bin Location will show in the bottom left of the screen.
Reporting on Bin Locations
To report on bin locations, go to Products / Stocktake / Stocktake Sheets by Bin Location. Any products without Bin Locations will be displayed at the top of the report. As shown below.
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