The default settings for Foxypreviewer are:
- dock at top
- large icons 32x32
- switch off foxy thermometer (progress bar)
- XLS is the Default Excel extension
- PDF as image as default
- Mapi Alternative as default (Outlook). For Thunderbird use MAPI. New options following 8.515
- Switch off Save as HTML and RTF
These are Configured by opening the Configurations section on the New Foxytoolbar
NOTE: These can be switched/changed back on by going into settings and are system wide
Page Magnification
Please note how the Page magnification box has moved from the left of the screen to beside the exit, this only happens when the magnification is changed.
Set up email in Foxy Previewer
The Print Preview Size in a small window.
There is a field in inflags – rep80 that will disable the toolbar if it is set to T (True). Set to F (False) and the toolbar will be re-enabled.
Ask your Partner or Support to login and update infflags.rep80 to T to re-enable the toolbar.
Use infflags
Brow fields rep80
Having this setting set to T may disable certain reports from printing correctly - eg Warranty reports.
To disable foxypreviewer rename the file foxytoolbar.txt in the Infusion folder to something else.
To re-enable the foxypreviewer toolbar, rename the file to foxytoolbar.txt or copy from another Infusion install and paste into the Infusion Folder.
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