After 8.515
Changes to the program mean that the settings for the Foxy Previewer have changed. To open, select the config button
Under the Email option, there is a selection for either Infusion Email Defaults, which will look directly at Admin / Manage Email Default or the MAPI defaults. It is recommended that the Infusion Email Defaults are selected to prevent any errors.
Prior to 8.515
MAPI Alternative email default for Foxy previewer means that it will use default Outlook settings to send emails. The email sent will sit in their Outlook Sent Items. SMTP/logins/passwords etc details shouldn't need to be entered as it will use the Outlook settings.
If using Outlook, it needs to be installed at the 32-bit setting. To check go to File > Office Account > About Outlook
If a user doesn't have Outlook they can setup a CDO-HTML with their SMTP Server, Login, Password, SMTP port (SSL if required) and Sender Information. An example is:
SMTP Server:
Login: Alice Smith
Password: **********
SMTP port: 465 (SSL if required) Tick
Sender Information:
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