The Customer Items module is used to store the details of the major items sold to, or owned by your Customers. The module can be customised and titled to suit the nature of the business.
- Tracking of history from the original Sales Invoice through all subsequent Service Invoices
- Establishment of regular Service reminders
- Tracking of the associated Warranty and Terms & Conditions
- Reassigning the Item to a new Customer if the Customer sells it.
- Dedicated and targeted marketing by Email and SMS
- “Thank you for Purchasing” letter
- “Last year’s model has now been replaced by...”
- “Tips on cutting your lawn...”
Customer Item Types
Customer Items Types are set up in Admin / Settings / Manage Customer Item Types
Customer Items types are used to classify different Customer Items and to allow for the inclusion of different fields for each Item Type.
Customer Item Service Types
Customer Item Service Types are set up in Admin / Settings / Manage Customer Item Service Types.
Customer Items can be assigned different Service Types; each service type has a default repetition or can be a one-off service, plus the details of the service can be stored and reprinted on each job set up for that service type.
Customer Item Warranty Types
Customer Items are set up in Admin / Settings / Manage Customer Item Warranty Types
Customer Items can be assigned different Warranty Types; which may reflect if the item is being used for domestic or commercial use. The warranty type indicates the length of the warranty, and what costs the warranty covers.
Once the Manage Service Type are created, these can be added to Item Types
Custom Fields can be added to each Type to allow Text, Dates, Number, Check Box or Not Required are option. There are up to 40 Custom Fields available.
Depending on the Data Type, the Decimal or Product Fields will allow the importation of information from the Product's Custom Fields.
Under the Default Service tab use Add to insert the required services to each Type.
Questions can be set up against the Item Type.
Setting up the Product Code
Warranty Details
On the Product Code is an option for Warranty Details, if the same warranty applies for every Customer each time the Product is sold, select the correct warrant from the Dropdown menu.
If the Warranty needs to be selected at the time of the sale, select **No Warranty**.
Cust.Item Type
Using the drop down for the Customer Item Type will show:
**None** No Customer Item will be created
**Default Item Type** Relies on the settings selected under Type, Group or Sub Group.
If each Product within a Type, Group or Sub Group will always be the same, go to Admin / Settings / Product Type, Product Group or Product Sub Group as applicable and set the Cust.Items Type.
On the Product Screen set to **Default Item Type** and this Item Type will show beside the Type.
If a Customer Item is set for Type, Group or Sub Group, the following tables indicates which type will be used.
Type |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
Group |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
N |
Subgroup |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
* |
* |
* |
Item Type Assigned |
Sub Group |
Group |
Type |
Sub Group |
Group |
Sub Group |
Group |
Sub Group |
* Manage Product Groups or Sub Groups cannot have an associated Product Type.
Individual Item Types will also show from the drop down and can be selected.
Also see Two Services Being Created
Creating a Customer Item
Customer Items can be created:
- Manually
- Through a Job when an Item is being assigned,
- For a Customer at the point of being invoiced.
To add the Item manually select the Create option from the Customer Items menu then select the Item type being created. This will determine what additional entry fields will display on the screen(s).
Next select the Customer who owns the Item. INFUSION will automatically assign an ID number. The Customer ID is optional and normally used by Councils and other large organisations as their identification number or Plant ID.
The Description must be a full product description not just ‘Fridge Freezer’. The Description should start with the brand then the model. This is important as this field is used throughout INFUSION for reminder letters, marketing and SMS messages.
The Purchase Date must be entered to generate service reminders. If you did not sell the item then enter today’s date.
The Type field is already set when you create the item.
The Serial Number should be entered so this can be searched on.
This section is used to record any additional information specific to this Item.
Set the Warranty and any specific terms against this Item. If you did not sell the item leave this blank. The warranty start date is set by the Purchase date entered previously.
To add a Service Schedule to a Customer Item select the Servicing button and add the Service Type.
You will need to set the frequency and the Last Occurred On date.
Note: If the Service is a one off or first free Service then tick the box so it only occurs once.
The Images tab will allow you to load an unlimited number of images:
- Before and after photos.
- Images prior to insurance work.
When you sell a Product, INFUSION can automatically create a Customer Item in the background. You can ask INFUSION to prompt you with the Item details to confirm and amend if required at the time of sale.
Selling Through a Job will be the same process as above.
Selling to the Customer will prompt the screen below, this records the Services as previously set up.
If the product is serial tracked this will show.
Selecting Save will record this in the Customer Item Screen.
Please also see Customer Items Master Item
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