This is an Import to bring in a Supplier PO Invoice that is received in a CSV Format.
The Lentune CSV Format is supported by Telfers Electrical, Redpath Limited, Simpson Electrical Merchants, IES and Scotts Electrical.
It needs to be added from Admin / Settings / Import/Export / Manage Import and double click Lentune External Invoice File
Select Defaults as required for your import.
Having the Supplier Pricebook set up will automatically create new Products if the box is selected, not using the MISC Product Code.
Once the import has been added and the CVS has been received, go to Import/Export and select Import.
NB The CSV file must not have a header, so check the supplied file, by opening with Notepad and deleting if necessary.
The following prompt will appear
A screen will show to allow the selection of the import file. It is recommended that a sub folder is created in the Infusion Directory and the Import is saved into this.
Once the File is selected the details of the import show as below, the Receipt Date can be altered, the Order type changed, Use Invoice/Order date and repeat for all Orders?
An exception report will appear if there are any problems with the import
If the Supplier Product is not set up to any Product Codes the MISC code will be used.
If the MISC Product is used then the Invoice is not posted, it is left as a Packing Slip.
The Warning will detail why the product has not been imported.
The rest of the import should work correctly.
Also see Importing Supplier Invoices Through an Import is Not Behaving as Expected
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