Letters are created by using the Letters Module.
Go to Manage Letters
Select **New Letter** to create a new letter.
The next screen will allow the selection of the Letter Type, this selects the fields within the letter that are available, and in the case of the Customer if you want to include the Aging Balances.
Give the letter a title.
Open the letter and enter the text.
The Letters Module is a basic word processing program, it is recommended that you type your letter within this screen. While you can copy and paste the letter from Word, the document size will be affected and any formatting may be lost when the letter is printed.
To add Images it is recommended to use the Indicated Button, this will open a screen that allows you to browse to the image that is to be inserted.
Copying and pasting images can also create problems. We do not recommend this, or the addition of multiple images. All images need to be between 15 and and 50 kb, the same as else where in the system or errors will occur.
Fields can be inserted in the correct place by using the Insert Field button, by selecting the down arrow further options may be available.
Changing margins on the letter are done by moving the margin markers, the top is for the margin and the bottom is for the hanging indent.
Once you are happy with the letter, save it
Before sending it to your Customers, preview to ensure that it is printing correctly.
Selecting Print will print out all letters.
By selecting Email, all those that can go to the queue will, and then a prompt will appear asking if you want to print the remainder.
Letters will not be sent to Inactive Customers.
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