When creating a Customer Invoice the following rules (Hierarchy) are used to determine which G/L Sales code the Product/Service is coded to:
If an item is coded straight to a General Ledger code (ie in the Code column of the Invoice) the Sale will go against this G/L code
If a Product is being sold, the following priorities are used in choosing which Sales G/L code the sale will go to:
1) Infusion will firstly look to see if the Product on the Invoice has come from a Job and if there is a Department set against the Product within the Job. The sale will be coded to the Sales G/L code for the Job Department.
Admin / Settings / Manage Job Departments - TABLES
2) Infusion will then look to the Location the Invoice is set against (at the bottom of the Invoice screen) and see if there is a Sales G/L code against this Location for this Product
Products / Manage Products / Modify / Locations - PRODBALS
3) The next option is the Sales G/L code for the Location the Invoice is against
Admin / Settings / Products / Manage Locations - LOCATIONS
4a) For Rental Hire sales the Rental Hire Item Sales Code is next
Rental Hire / Manage Rental Hire Item Details / Modify / Settings - RHIDX
4b) For Product sales the Product’s Sales Group G/L code is next
Products / Manage Products / Modify / Settings – PRODUCTS
5) The Default Sales G/L code setup in the Financial Control Link is used if none of the above result in a G/L account
Admin / Defaults / Manage Financial Defaults
If there is no Sales G/L code field entered against a Department in step 1) the software will look to 2), and again if there is no Sales G/L code against the Location for the product it will move onto 3), and so forth.
NB When a Rental Hire Item or a New Product is setup, the Sales G/L code defaults to the Default Sales G/L code setup in the Financial Control Link
When the Rental Hire Item or Product is assigned to a new group the Sales G/L code defaults to the Sales G/L code for that group – which is set up in
Admin / Settings / Rental Hire / Manage Rental Hire / Hire Group or
Admin / Settings / Products / Manage Product Groups.
Also, when a Product is assigned to a new Group, the settings for the Product Locations are picked up. These are set up in
Admin / Settings / Products / Manage Product Groups - Locations tab
See here for the tables that store the above General Ledger Codes
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