We have set up the Head Office Account and are now ready to charge invoices to the Head Office Accounts.
Raise the Invoice as usual and at the top is now a tick box with a Charge To option, this indicates the Account being charge to.
The Sub Account details are in the Address Fields.
Charge to Customer Account
If the Client wants to be charged directly, not via the Head Office account. Untick the Charge To box and the warning in red will appear "This invoice will be processed via the Customer Account and NOT to the Associate Head Office"
Looking at the Audit Trail will always show which Account the invoice was charged to.
When the Invoice is posted, if the Customer has Email Links set up, the Invoice will be emailed, or it will be printed.
Possible Problems
The Customer account exists, but the Customer does not wish to charge this invoice to the Head Ofice.
- The user must untick charge to Head Office Account box indicating so the invoice is NOT charged to the Head Office, and then process the invoice.
- If the Customer account is NOT set with Cash Sale Only terms, the user must include the payment to the invoice if the balance is not to be left outstanding.
The Head Office box was not unticked and the Customer paid for the Invoice. The invoice will still be sent to the Head Office because the email links are set up.
- The Head Office may still pay for the Invoice. The process looks at the Invoice lines and not the total.
- Raise a credit for the Invoice, referring back to the original Invoice. Right click to see the Audit and Credit the GL Codes for the relevant amounts, not the products or they will be returned to stock.
The Customer wishes to charge part of the purchase to the Head Office Account and pay the remainder in alternate way.
- This will require the creation of two separate invoices: one to be charged to the Head Office and one to be paid by the Customer.
The Customer is returning an item that was originally processed to the Head Office Account.
- The credit must be also processed against the Head Office Account. Ensure the tick box to Charge to Head Office is ticked.
- The user must create an invoice with a negative quantity and process the invoice. If this is a POS credit note, the payment method to be used is Charge to Account.
The Customer returns to the store and wishes to pay the invoice by another payment method.
- The original invoice has to be credited. The credit note has to be charged to the Head Office account.
- A new invoiced has to be created, with the Charge to Head Office tick box unticked.
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